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Video Design – Theater
The devised theatre project Räuber*innen confronts the classic „Die Räuber“ by F.Schiller with a feminist and current socio-political perspective, questioning and dismanteling gender clichés and the importance of role models.

On stage there are five actresses who do not learn any text, do not play the play „Die Räuber“ by Friedrich Schiller - out of protest. The work of Schiller is constructively misappropriated although the original setting of Schillers „Räuber“ is transferd onto the stage by using wood as the main construction material. The video comments the cliché of “Die Räuber” by showing the actresses as a bawling gang of male robbers.

- Die Andere Welt Bühne | Strausberg, 2020 -

Text & Acting:
Elena Nyffeler
Lisa Hofer
Anna Eger
Melanie Seeland
Inés Burdow

Text, Director | Jens Bluhm Producer | Wolfram Scheller
Costumes | Sophie Leypold
Music | Matthias Waldthaler
Video | Anne Braun
Sound Design | Jonas Albani
Light Design | Paul Klinder

Photos (c) Jens Bluhm

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